New Balls Please bundles all its live strategy expertise in a single roadmap. The experience built by the company over the years was condensed into a clear guidebook that is used with every event.
An event is never a goal in and of itself. Whether you organise a product launch, conference or tradeshow: an event needs to be embedded in a communication -, branding – and general corporate strategy. It (can and) should be a mean to raise brand awareness, bind (potential) clients…
Live events require big investments and a lot of resources. As with every other investment, you expect a return on investment (ROI) that is at least proportionate to the efforts made. When it comes to events, it is also worthwhile to measure the return on event (ROE). What kind of impact did the event have on brand awareness? How did guest’s satisfaction levels do on the net promoter score (NPS) Strategy, as a set of coordinated plans and well executed actions is the key to good results.
Serge Deben, responsible for live strategy and business development at New Balls Please explains: “A live event can be taken in a lot of different directions, that’s the beauty of it. It is a versatile instrument. But to be able to use it with maximum results, it needs a conscious development of a strategy, that is then followed meticulously.”
A strategy starts at ambitious, yet realistic goals. Determining key performance indicators (KPI), makes for clear guidelines and measurable results. Events produce a lot of data (attendees, satisfaction, leads and commitments), a good strategy ensures a straightforward processing and interpretation of data. Next your strategy turns into a plan, a scenario that ensures an efficient follow up before, during and after the event.
Eventually your strategy will morph into a story. Your events needs to speak to engage. You want a common thread that pilots your attendees, again before, during and after your event. Storytelling turns your event into an experience, one that will stick with your clients for a long time to come.
Determining targets, tuning your event to them, developing a scenario, taking care of the follow-up: those are no easy tasks. It takes experience, an eye for detail and careful planning. New Balls Please has the experience and skills. We created a live strategy roadmap with twenty steps, to ensure maximum success for your event in the areas that matter to your company. A roadmap to a successful live event.
Interested in our roadmap? Call +32 (0)9 265 98 00 or mail We are happy to get you one.