All you need to know about the event sector

All you need to know about the event sector

Febelux wants to boost the post-COVID19 pandemic period with a Reconnecting Day

Febelux – the association for the live communication industry wants to boost the post-COVID19 pandemic period with a Reconnecting Day on 27 August 2020. The date has been chosen just before the start of the new season of fairs, meetings, congresses and events – recognized as driving forces of the economy.  The General Assembly will also be moved to the same day.

The Febelux Reconnecting Day strives to be an example for the industry they represent: face2face meetings, networking and negotiation, taking all the legal social distancing and safety rules into account!!  Febelux will welcome all Members and non-Members from the industry for a flexible day full of live activities: General Assembly, teambuilding activity, BBQ, … .  Febelux, being a national Federation of Belgium and Luxembourg, will unite all these people in a constructive and relaxed day at Wallonie Expo SA (WEX) in Marche-en-Famenne (located 20 minutes from the south of Namur).

Febelux strongly believes in the added value of live human connections in B2B and B2C relations and after a long period of digital meetings, it’s time to reconnect again and get back to business with a positive view on the new future.


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