All you need to know about the event sector

All you need to know about the event sector

Taking schoolchildren to the Olympics – HARPO

3 August they are leaving!
The children of the 5th and 6th grade of Free Primary School ‘Duizend Plus Poot’ from Waregem.
They achieved the highest score during the inter-schools competition ‘PLANKGAS NAAR DE SPELEN’ organised by Sport Vlaanderen.
As a result, they get to spend a day at the Olympic Games in Paris with all those pupils!

Just before exams and holidays started, dozens of schools gathered at various locations (Herentals, Hofstade, Blankenberge), each time delegating one or two classes to come and ‘move’ intensively for a day while doing ‘Olympic’ tests.

Like the ‘breaststroke tests’, one of the challenges of the sports day.
Here, their teachers also helped to double the points earned with each game by answering theoretical questions about the Olympic Games in Paris.

For the presentation at this test, the organising event agency CONRAD-Consulting from Hasselt, contacted ‘HARPO-Presenters’ and they delegated Harry van Hest to launch the questions from his ‘lifeguard tower’.

The whole thing turned out to be a very animated day of fun each time!

Especially as Ketnet and VRT dispatched their camera crews to capture all the youthful enthusiasm.
The broadcasts on VRT 1 and Ketnet are now over but you can still find some of it on VRT-max. (‘Plankgas naar de spelen’ is the reference)

(And I’m sure they’ll make a report about the day in Paris, too!)

Organization of unique events – The Event Pilots


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