All you need to know about the event sector

All you need to know about the event sector

The studio at Thon Hotel EU: Our Brand new solution for your future hybrid meetings

As the end of the year is the time for wishes and hope, at Thon Hotels, we are thinking of 2021 and all the coming news and event. This year, our thoughts and wishes are for our clients!

We are ready to welcome them again and add color to their day. And because the customer’s health and safety is our first priority, we are building today for them the future of their events.

In order to offer the best experience, as well as match our clients’ needs and comply with the new rules. We had to adapt and think of a new way to organize events. And most importantly we can help and guide the customers to create the best hybrid meeting. Hence, we have created a studio at Thon Hotel EU to accommodate all the future virtual and hybrid events.

Thon Hotel EU is more than ready to host this kind of meeting in its permanent studio. This is a real advantage to have it all settled for our clients. Two set-ups are proposed (and more upon request): one more formal and one like a “talk-show” with LED uplighters, digital speaker desk and a coloured backdrop. Customers are welcome to come and see the studio for themselves. Furthermore, we have shaped a range of packages with different audio and video options because every client is special and every event is different. A technician will be on site for all the events to avoid any technological issue and our event team is always available to send details, information and to be present the D-Day.

We all know today, our sector need to be flexible, open to the technology and always available. That is the reason why this studio can be adapted, opened to guests or booked for virtual events only.

Need more information, feel free to contact us:, +32 2 700 78 78


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