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All you need to know about the event sector

Villa Molenhof welcomes Molenhof talks and top analyst Philippe Gijsels

As tradition dictates, it was another very successful Molenhof Talks event at Villa Molenhof in Roosdaal on 24 April. This time we were privileged to host a leading financial analyst: Philippe Gijsels, markets strategist at BNP Paribas Fortis, the country’s largest bank.

Together with his colleague Koen De Leus, Philippe Gijsels wrote the book ‘The New World Economy’. That was the reason for the invitation and also the topic of discussion. Philippe explained with full conviction that the world is at a tipping point and that the book is an attempt to illustrate that.

According to Gijsels and De Leus, we will be faced with 5 megatrends in the coming decades: innovation & productivity, climate change, multiglobalisation, debt and ageing. Philippe highlighted the impact of AI and predicted a super-cycle in raw materials due to climate change.

The third trend, discussed, was ‘multiglobalisation’: a world in which the United States and China vie for world domination. This could weigh on the dollar and favour gold. Philippe indicated that it is not foolish to think that the gold price could double in the next few years. Partly because there is so much debt in the world. To keep those controllable, central banks will try to flatten the debts away. Inflation is therefore a stayer for the strategist at BNP Paribas Fortis. Good news for those in debt, bad news for those with savings. Finally, Philippe saw ageing as an opportunity for a new world.

The evening also provided space for networking and exchanging views on some of Philippe Gijsels’ statements, all while enjoying a culinary buffet dinner and wine tasting.

On Thursday 6 June 2024, Molenhof Talks will host Bart Verhaeghe at Villa Molenhof in Roosdaal. Bart Verhaeghe is a born entrepreneur with a great passion for sports and real estate, known among other things as chairman of Club Brugge.

Extraordinairy domain for professional meetings in Flemish Brabant – Villa Molenhof


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